Lake Frances Estates is near 441 and shopping. There are currently 13 homes on the market ranging from $64,900 to $185,000.
One particular property that we have listed in Lake Frances is 1443 Nassua Circle. This 1983 manufactured home has a fenced back yard. It is well maintained with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. The master bath has a garden tub with a seperate shower. Besides the carport shed with washer/dryer hookup, there is an additional shed in the backyard. Enclosed porch as front and back entrance with window unit AC. Lake Frances Estates has a community center with a pool and shuffelboard courts. Close to 441 and shopping. Lake Frances access. Square footage does not include sunporch.
If you would like to learn more about the other properties listed in Lake Frances Estates, just email us and we will be happy to send you information on all the listings.
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